Saturday, March 10, 2012

We're In Love

If I've said it once, I've said it dozens of times.  I love our new place and so does Ronny.  We love coming home and hate leaving.  All the work we do is fulfilling and Ronny says over and over that it "just doesn't seem like work."

The fruit trees are planted and the Navaho blackberries are waiting for the rain to end so we can plant them.  I plotted out the garden tonight and bought seed today.  I am going to plant the vegetables in five phases:  fruit trees, blackberries & strawberries, early spring veggies, spring veggies, and early summer veggies.  On the list of veggies are spinach, mixed lettuce, onions, leeks, radishes, brocolli, cabbage, beets, carrots, green peas, purple hull peas, green beans, corn, tomatoes, peppers, okra, squash, and canaloupe.  I don't figure we'll go hungry!  Stay tuned for "Pick Your Own" days.  You will definitely be able to pick blackberries and we'll see how the other produce does.  Once I get my fill, I will post "Pick Your Own" days.  Have I said, "I love this place?"

Peach trees blossom
I bought our chick starter set today.  I've been reading magazines from my chicken guru neighbor, information from the MyPetChicken website, and some books.  My neighbor is going to put me through my paces next week by letting me take care of her chickens to get some practical experience.  She is an awesome friend, teacher, and neighbor.  We hope to get blackberries and early spring veggies planted this week then start building the chicken coop.  Of course, Ronny also still needs to build the gate for the calves.  He has the fence up and the new corner built (it looks awesome!).  The rain has been wonderful and we will not complain but it has slowed a few things down. 

I have taken advantage of being stuck indoors by tackling those last three paint projects.  They are my nemesis!  The powder room is the first one.  It is the tiniest bathroom and in a state of disrepair.  The toilet area is so small that when I painted one wall and turned to paint the other, welllll, my hind end ended up in wet paint.  You have to see this picture to appreciate what I just told you :)

I hope to post before and after pictures of the kitchen soon.  We have just a few more things to do and it will be checked off the "to do" list.  The dining room is pretty much done except for flooring.  That will come when all painting is done.  Check it out!

The most remarkable before and after is the creepy wisteria.  It was literally taking over the house.  It completely covered the carport and had great compost rotting under the two feet of limbs on the carport.  It was so invasive that it pulled the carport from the house.  We spent a full afternoon and evening taking it off one piece at a time.  Our neighbor offered to pull it off with his tractor but we were afraid it would pull the house down!  I don't think captions are necessary :)

Well, time to sign off.  Can't wait to crawl in bed and snooze to the sound of raindrops.  Here are some of the clouds that brought rain yesterday.  Good night and Happy Farming!  Have I said, "I love this place?"


  1. omgosh that bathroom is seriously the tiniest thing ever lol!

  2. It is indeed Anne Marie. No elbow room to speak of. I was truly hugging the toilet to paint around it.
